Party 01. - 02.03.13 · Indoor · Berlin, Deutschland / 3 Line-Up: * Gastrax (Soundviecher)* Biomekanik (Psybliminal Records) * D-Rix (Free Spirit Foundation/Monstruo Ink Crew) *1st time in Berlin* * Ram Tam (Brotzeit) * Hashbury (Chayanova/Are You Experienced?) * Villatropia (Chayanova…Info: We are happy to announce the first meeting of the newborn "Space Brotherhood" ! * Kling & Freitag Soundsystem! * small location, so only bring your best friends ;-) DANCE LIKE NOBODY'S WATCH…Location: Mauersegler Berlin Bernauer Str 63-64 13355 Berlin !Privatv… Vorbei: 12j · 2.894 · Eingetragen von Hashbury Fotos0 People Space Brotherhood Calling Berlin · Deutschland · Karte Fr., 01.03.13, 22:00 - Sa., 02.03., 10:00= 12stdIndoor · / 3 · Vorbei: 12j