Party 31.05. - 02.06.13 · Festival · im wunderschönen Schlaubetal, Deutschland / 11 Line-Up: Atriohm (MK) Parvati Records Whiptongue (BRA) Looney Moon Records Mark Day (UK) Blue Hour Sounds Ataro (UK) Free Radical Records / Damaru Records Sychotria (BRA) Ayauma Records / Sangoma Records…DJane Jazzmine (IT) Blue Hour Sounds Ankur (GER) Lost Theory Records Daksinamurti (GER) Sangoma Records / Peak Records / Timecode Records Dsompa (GER) Peak Records / TPE Parties Rami & Phil (GER)…Info: Spring creates new surfaces of expression and joy - and the cycle begins again: FRACTALIA open air is going back to the quest for the primal spirit of Psy-Trance and you are very welcome to share with…Location: Use the train RB36 between Berlin-Lichtenberg and Frankfurt/… Vorbei: 11j 8m · 13.042 · Eingetragen von PSYservice Fotos0 People FRACTALIA Open Air im wunderschönen Schlaubeta… · Deutschland · Karte Fr., 31.05.13, 20:00 - So., 02.06., 18:00= 1t 22stdFestival · / 11 · Vorbei: 11j 8m