Party 27. - 29.08.10 · Open Air · Věšín , Tschechien / 1 Line-Up: Acid Goblins (Quantum Frog Productions, Hungary) DoHM (Forest Freaks, Lithuania) Paramatma (Northern Psylight Rec. / Forest Wizards Rec., Macedonia) Radioactive Cake (Glitchy.Tonic / Arkona Creation /…Psyion (independent, CZ) Flumo (independent, CZ) Filipsz (Hedonix, CZ) Osku (Goblin Records, SK) Lolla (Zero Point, CZ) Cejn (Zero Point, CZ) I-One(Shivatrance, CZ) XND (Atd.Rezzet, CZ) On Von Onoff (…Info: NEW LOCATION!!! Mystical Forest - Energy - Important notice Our aim was, and still is, to provide comfort for visitors, without unnecessary repression. Due to the very unpleasant complicat…Location: Rekreacni stredisko Brdy 172, Rozmital, 26242 Vorbei: 14j 6m · 3.826 · Eingetragen von cvrdlik Fotos0 People Mystical Forest 3 Věšín · Tschechien · Karte Fr., 27.08.10, 21:00 - So., 29.08., 09:00= 1t 12stdOpen Air · / 1 · Vorbei: 14j 6m