Party 18. - 19.07.17 · Indoor · Nijmegen, Niederlande Line-Up: Dancing in to the Dark Forest with... Grote zaal: ***** BACK TO MARS ***** Omveda Records/Occulta Records ***** SHIVANKI ***** 3rd BIT/DIY Soundsystem ***** DOGO ***** Bom Voyage/Indali records *…Info: ...Midway upon the journey of our life, I found myself within a forest dark, for the straight forward pathway had been lost... by DanteLocation: Waalhalla Centrum Winselingseweg 12 6541 AK Nijmegen Vorbei: 7j 7m · 1.906 · Eingetragen von The - S - Xperience Fotos0 People 50 Shades of PSY Nijmegen · Niederlande · Karte Di., 18.07.17, 23:00 - Mi., 19.07., 06:00= 7stdIndoor · Vorbei: 7j 7m