Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 29.11. - 01.12.19 · Indoor · Moudon, Schweiz Line-Up: ***LINE UP*** ~~ VENDREDI ~~ x-- Psychedelics --x 20:00 à 21:15 Typ8 *FR* (Techno to Prog) 21:15 à 22:15 Jawgrinder *CH* (Dirty Prog) 22:15 à 23:30 IKØN *FR* (Prog / Psy) 23:30 à 00:30 Ephemeris *F…Info: 2 days / 2 universes You'll found all the infos on the FB event "5 ans Big-T SoundSystem"Location: L'Empire Club ZI, La Pussaz 3 1510 Moudon 46.659736, 6.79402… Vorbei: 5j 3m · 734 · Eingetragen von Anthony Zanuttini Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People 5 ans Big-T SoundSystem Moudon · Schweiz · Karte Fr., 29.11.19, 21:00 - So., 01.12., 06:00= 1t 9stdIndoor · Vorbei: 5j 3m