Party 04. - 06.09.09 · Festival · NORTH / somewhere over the rainbow italy, Italien / 31 Line-Up: Alternative Control ( Dacru Rec | SRB ) -video Klopfgeister ( IONO Music | GER ) -video Digicult ( Dacru Rec | BE ) -video Ephedrix ( Dacru Rec | BE ) -video Aquila ( Dacru Rec | BE ) -vi…Nemesis ( Dacru Rec | BE ) Bonas ( Dacru Rec | BE ) Onah ( Dacru Rec | BE ) Liquid Freak ( Beatslave Rec / Klangwerk | CH ) Getorix ( Freunde der Tanzmusik /Tamil Rec | AT ) Pixar ( Freunde der T…Info: + bring warm clothing (we are @ 1300 mt) + bring a smile and good energy, + fancy dress is welcome + camping area + large parking area - no dogs please !!!!! - n…Location: ..... amazing location in the alps, .... in the middle of th… Vorbei: 15j 5m · 22.015 · Eingetragen von tom Fotos0 People ROENAISSANCE - electronic music/art festival NORTH / somewhere over the… · Italien · Karte Fr., 04.09.09, 18:00 - So., 06.09., 18:00= 2tFestival · / 31 · Vorbei: 15j 5m