Party 31.10. - 01.11.09 · Indoor · near Hamburg, Deutschland / 55 Line-Up: OSOM (Osom Music) RUSSIA first time in germany with an exclusive 8 h live & dj music-performance OSOM-MUSIC was created by Kindza and Psykovsky together well known as OSOM project. Our target is t…Kin Dza Dza (Osom Music) RUSSIA Psykovsky (Tantrumm Records, Osom Music) RUSSIA Ant vs. Halunke --- mind expansion vs. Alice D prod. Dr. Oguh (Ultra Violence Rec. / Pi.-Production / Mystic Vision)…Info: Jägermeisterzapfanlage (für -20 grad kalten Jägi ) faire Getränkepreise BIG SOUNDSYSTEM Fresh Fruits for Free Cocktail & Absinthbar Chai&Caffee und snackbar Darkpsy&Psychedelic leider müssen wir uns d…Location: Viti-Furth 2 21357 Bardowick Easy to come from Hamburg by Tr… Vorbei: 15j 4m · 26.944 · Eingetragen von bardo Fotos0 People Halloween Dark Horror Night 2 with OSOM LIVE near Hamburg · Deutschland · Karte Sa., 31.10.09, 22:00 - So., 01.11., 16:00= 18stdIndoor · / 55 · Vorbei: 15j 4m