Party 11. - 12.04.20 · Open Air · London, Großbritannien CANCELED Line-Up: Welcoming all to our 420 secret forest party featuring the finest PsyTrance with: : : Lives : : ★ QUADRAPHONIC * * * UK live debut * * * Sonic loom music / Greece ★ ANTONYMOUS live Sonic Loom music…Info: ૐ Full Uv lighting and laser show ૐ Free camping in the paradise ૐ Healing area ૐ Acoustic music ૐ Cafe, pizzas, hot food and a lot more... Discount advanced ticket available now:…Location: in a secret forest join our whatsapp group for location: or… Vorbei: 4j 11m · 793 · Eingetragen von Boogie Woogie Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People 420 Boogie ૐ QUADRAPHONIC / ANTONYMOUS / TROMO / SOUTHWILD / EVP & more London · Großbritannien · Karte Sa., 11.04.20, 22:00 - So., 12.04., 18:00= 20stdOpen Air · CANCELED · Vorbei: 4j 11m