Party 15. - 16.01.10 · Club · Dublin, Irland Line-Up: Sine Die [Hadra Records] FranceZefer [Neutronyx/Life Festival] Spain Alien Angel [Cosmic Fusion] Portugal PsyAm [Generator X] IrelandInfo: It's time for the third trip back to the roots of psytrance! A night full of goa and psychedelic beats await us in a wonderful location with undoubtedly one of the best sound systems in Dublin! On top…Location: The Vaults Harbourmaster PI Dublin, Ireland Vorbei: 15j 1m · 3.200 · Eingetragen von Mycel Fotos0 People 3rd Trip to GOA Dublin · Irland Fr., 15.01.10, 21:00 - Sa., 16.01., 03:00= 6stdClub · Vorbei: 15j 1m