Party 19. - 20.11.16 · Indoor · Vicenza, Italien Line-Up: Welcome to the first italian 24/7 Label Night. 24/7 Records is a fusion of young and dedicated DJs, producers, and active party organizers releasing cutting edge psytrance for more than 11 years now!…Info: ٠•● SOUND SYSTEM ●•٠ ✫ 20kw DB TECHNOLOGIES DVA Line array - Powered by FEEL ✫ ٠•● PHOTOs & VIDEOs ●•٠ ✫ ANDREA AGOSTINI ✫ ✫ MARCO DELTA ✫ ٠•● FLYER & Other graphics ●•٠ ✫ JUMPI ✫Location: Vicenza Vorbei: 8j 3m · 1.266 · Eingetragen von Doro 24/7 Fotos0 People 24/7 Records Label Night Vicenza · Italien · Karte Sa., 19.11.16, 23:00 - So., 20.11., 11:00= 12stdIndoor · Vorbei: 8j 3m