Party 13. - 14.09.08 · Indoor · Hekelgem, Belgien Line-Up: MUBALI (Lycantrop Records / Trishula Records / Psycircle Records / usa) BABA JELLY (Lycantrop Records / Trishula Records / fr-be) MIND DISTORTION SYSTEM (Lycantrop Records / Trishula Records / por-be)MAKKURA (Fubar / Skitzophrenik Lifeform Records / Lycantrop Records / Recycled Records / be) AZIDAX VS COUSIN TREBOR (Fubar / Skitzophrenik Lifeform Records / Lycantrop Records / Blind Noise Records /…Info: there will be camping possible 2 years Fubar and Lycantrop Records presents Lycans Meeting cd-release and in memory of Seppo who left us to soon seppo a friend of ours, died in a carcrash, after going…Location: club 162, brusselbaan 162, Hekelgem Vorbei: 16j 5m · 3.054 · Eingetragen von Kimmeke Fotos0 People 2 Years Fubar & Lycantrop release party : In memory of Seppo Hekelgem · Belgien Sa., 13.09.08, 22:00 - So., 14.09., 12:00= 14stdIndoor · Vorbei: 16j 5m