Party 15. - 16.11.24 · Indoor · barcelona, Spanien Line-Up: - LINE UP - ⛓️• @paologoanmantra 🇮🇹 ⛓️• @lahuen_enygmamusic 🇮🇹 ⛓️• 🇪🇸 ⛓️• @disconnect.pmm 🇮🇳 ⛓️• @konx0mpax 🇮🇳 ⛓️• @lova_nutriadance_records 🇮🇹 ⛓️• @djanedayana 🇮🇹 ⛓️• @djane_maiko 🇱🇹…Info: Dark Psychedelic Experimental Gathering PRESENT BY @r.a.r.e_bcn and the collaboration of ⚠️SAVE THE DATE: NOVEMBER 15th⚠️ @goamantraa @enygma_music @resinarecords @postmodernmus…Location: Secret Location Barcelona city, To be Released soon, 08001 barcelona Vorbei: 3m 27t · 214 · Eingetragen von R.A.R.E Bcn Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People 🕯️☠️ -A L M A P R I E T A -☠️🕯️ barcelona · Spanien · Karte Fr., 15.11.24, 22:30 - Sa., 16.11., 10:00= 11std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 3m 27t