Party 13. - 14.01.23 · Club · Graz, Österreich Line-Up: 🚀✨ CABAN (AT) 🚀✨ TOGE (HU) 🚀✨ ORIGIN (AT) 🚀✨ KAVANRAY (AT) 🚀✨ ZAVACONNEX (AT)Info: Dear Orionauts! Orion Club is finally back in Bunker Graz at a Friday night! We are very happy to welcome CABAN as a special guest, who will sweeten the night with a power full psytrance set. Be with…Location: BUNKER Graz, Griesgasse 25, 8020 Graz Vorbei: 2j 1m · 697 · Eingetragen von KavanRay Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Orion Goa Club ॐ Back in Bunker Graz Graz · Österreich · Karte Fr., 13.01.23, 22:00 - Sa., 14.01., 06:00= 8stdClub · Vorbei: 2j 1m