Party 20. - 23.01.23 · Festival · Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand Line-Up: ٠•● LINE UP ●•٠· ۞ LIGOR STAGE ۞ l Main stage ♬ Live Sets♬ ◢ SUZI ◥ - Discovalley Recs, Pukkawallah Recs / Japan ◢ SOUNDCIRCUS◥ - Zodoma Records, Underground Music Label / Portugal ♬ Djs Sets ♬ ◢…Info: Ligor Spirit crews and Lost project are pleased to announce the first edition of the Psychedelic Trance gathering "LIGOR SPIRIT FESTIVAL" in Nakorn Si Thammarat, South of Thailand Ligor Spir…Location: Greenspace living, Chang Klang District, 80250 Nakhon Si Thammarat Vorbei: 2j 1m · 3.802 · Eingetragen von john lee Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Ligor Spirit Festival Nakhon Si Thammarat · Thailand · Karte Fr., 20.01.23, 13:00 - Mo., 23.01., 23:30= 3t 10stdFestival · Vorbei: 2j 1m