Party 06. - 07.03.20 · Indoor · Bucharest, Rumänien Line-Up: Audiosyntax 4hr liveset (Alice-D Records, Berlin) Lueder (Milega Records, Berlin) Tudor (Glia Gathering, Bucharest)Info: On 6th of March, Psy Brothers come with a serious party proposal: to co-create a deep meaningful experience that transcends time and space, a jolly spin to leave our heart open and a smile on our face… Vorbei: 4j 11m · 345 · Eingetragen von alphaspiral Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Cosmicall Bucharest · Rumänien · Karte Fr., 06.03.20, 23:30 - Sa., 07.03., 08:00= 8std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 4j 11m