Party 25. - 26.01.20 · Indoor · Athens, Griechenland Line-Up: ☆ ☆ Liquid Love 26 Years Anniversary Hujaboy Live ☆ ☆ Σάββατο 25 Ιανουαριου 2020 ★ HUJABOY Hujaboy was never a real boy. He was Nir to what could be described as a dysfunctional sound freak that ret…Info: Sponsored by Mandala clothing"" Artwork by AuraMedia LabLocation: Location: Kudeta - on the sky Βουτάδων 54, Γκάζι, Αθήνα / At… Vorbei: 5j 1m · 308 · Eingetragen von Nikos Liquid Love Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Liquid Love 26th Anniversary Hujaboy Live / 25-1-20 Athens · Griechenland · Karte Sa., 25.01.20, 23:30 - So., 26.01., 07:00= 7std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 5j 1m