Party 14. - 16.02.20 · In- & Outdoor · Kanchanaburi, Thailand Line-Up: Local DJs -Sabaii Sabaii ( Spirit Zone/TH) -Ton (BMSS/Full Moon /TH) Tommy Rocker (TH) -Blader Hypnotiz (Psyhead/TH) -Psycodomo (Moon Mountain/TH) -Pzychobiz (Moon Mountain/BMSS/TH) -Mannie (Moon Moun…Info: TRANSPORT The journey starts on 14th February at 10:00am at the meeting point at Cha Fa Road in Bangkok, just a few steps from Kao Sarn Road. Check the link here: Bus ride from Bangkok to the locatio…Location: แพวันวาน กาญจนบุรี 29/5ม.1 ต.ท่ากระดาน อ.ศรีสวัสดิ์ จ.กาญจนบ… Vorbei: 5j 21t · 2.632 · Eingetragen von pzychobiz Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Valentrance Moon Mountain 2020 Kanchanaburi · Thailand · Karte Fr., 14.02.20, 11:00 - So., 16.02., 15:00= 2t 4stdIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 5j 21t