Party 23. - 24.02.19 · Indoor · Vienna, Österreich Line-Up: LIVE: !!! FIRST TIME IN AUSTRIA !!! ► WHRIKK // Sanaton Records/Real Vision Music (NL) !!! FIRST TIME IN AUSTRIA !!! ► WHRK // Oval Harmonique Records (NL) ► GOALA // Anesthetica Records / Masters o…Info: As usual, our aim is to present you mind expanding events, mainly focused on the more dark, organic and deeper side of Psytrance!! So be with us, join our tribe and celebrate life!!!!!Location: DasWerk Wien Spittelauer Lände 12 1090 Vienna Vorbei: 6j 11t · 1.594 · Eingetragen von Shipibo Sounds Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Shipibo Sounds presents: NOA JONIBO (WHRIKK&WHRK live!!!) Vienna · Österreich · Karte Sa., 23.02.19, 23:00 - So., 24.02., 06:00= 7stdIndoor · Vorbei: 6j 11t