Neues der Goabase

21.08.24 ·

Goabase moving 26.08. in the morning

From the old server to a new one. A little faster and, above all, more memory.

Goabase does not run on a VirtualHost in a cloud, but on a real machine in a data centre. The memory there was slowly running out, especially with new versions, which tend to need more. Therefore, a move to another server had to be made.

This move is currently running in the background. In the meantime, the 160 GB of data has been transferred, the database installed and the software updated.

The individual tools and services will be tested again over the next few days before the Goabase goes offline for about an hour and either displays a notice page or (unfortunately) a blank, white page. During this time, the latest data is transferred again and the final settings are made.

This approximately one-hour process is scheduled for Monday 26 August in the morning.

If it takes longer, there will unfortunately still be problems - which I hope will not happen.

amalesh (webmaster)