Party 10. - 12.08.07 · Festival · Lungern, Schweiz CANCELED Line-Up: soon (with international dj's, live-acts, bands and performances)soonInfo: psytrance mainstage, progressive-electro floor and remember floor, spectacular mountain view, camping, also large indoor areas, psychedelic artworks, chai and groovy shops...Location: Bergstation Seilbahnen Lungern-Schönbüel (OW), Highway Zuric… Vorbei: 17j 6m · 5.803 · Eingetragen von freak84 Fotos0 People ZOOM FESTIVAL 07 The Mountain Tribe Gathering Lungern · Schweiz Fr., 10.08.07, 20:00 - So., 12.08., 16:00= 1t 20stdFestival · CANCELED · Vorbei: 17j 6m