Party 23. - 26.02.24 · Festival · Takaka, Neuseeland Line-Up: Upavas (usa) Khromata (usa) Spiral (IND) spirALTER (IND) Pyrokine (IND) Melt (Aus) Acousma (Aus) SACRED MANTRA (IND) ERF Wicked Wizard (IND) Farebi Jalebi (Aus) Phadoof Zip Zap RICO (MOR) Kangapta (FR…Info: Namaste and Nau mai haere mai, cosmic explorers! Following the incredible triumph of Yatra Festival 23, the Spacecraft Studio team is ecstatic to unveil the highly anticipated Yatra Festival ‘24. We c…Location: Cobb Valley, Cobb Valley Road, 7183 Takaka Vorbei: 1j 18t · 533 · Eingetragen von Yatra Festival Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Yatra Festival NZ Takaka · Neuseeland · Karte Fr., 23.02.24, 17:00 - Mo., 26.02., 14:00= 2t 21stdFestival · Vorbei: 1j 18t