Party 03. - 05.07.15 · Festival · le garric, Frankreich Line-Up: ► AJJA (Live - Peak Reccords) Suisse ► ASTRIX vs PIXEL (Live - HOMmega Rec) Israel ► ATMOS (Live - Iboga Rec) Suède ► BOOM SHANKAR (Live - BMSS Records) Allemagne ► BRIGHTLIGHT (Live - Phantasm R…Info: Thanks to their events on a one night shot. World trance is proud to presents the first edition of his open air. 3 days of Trance, with a line-up as we have seen very rarely in France, on a new site.…Location: Cap' Découverte 81450 Le Garric Vorbei: 9j 7m · 3.519 · Eingetragen von world trance Fotos0 People WORLD TRANCE FESTIVAL OPEN AIR le garric · Frankreich · Karte Fr., 03.07.15, 18:00 - So., 05.07., 18:00= 2tFestival · Vorbei: 9j 7m