Party 28.12. - 04.01.07 · Festival · Pratigi - Bahia, Brasilien / 3 Line-Up: 2Hi - BR Ace Ventura - IL Allaby -UK AMD - UK Aphid Moon - UK Audiomatic - DE Audiomatrix - DE Audio X - BR Bit Pulse - DE BLT - IL Burn In Noise - BR Cosmosis - UK Delirious - IL Dickster - UK D-tek…Airffect (Mindfunk/Moonchild - BOL) Anneli ( - SW) Cassiano Cruz (BR) Celli (Spun - SP) Camilo Rocha (ClunkDjs - BR) Caramaschi (Jeroky/Fiction - BR) Claudio Brio (Tropical Beats - BR)…Info: In its seventh edition, the Festival will welcome an even more respected Alternative Culture Movement. The space will be open for artists, alternative therapists, mystics, prophets and all the lucid m…Location: Pratigi Beach For the fourth consecutive year, the Festival… Vorbei: 18j 2m · 11.604 · Eingetragen von RodBlow Fotos0 People Universo Paralello New Year's Pratigi - Bahia · Brasilien Do., 28.12.06, 09:00 - Do., 04.01.07, 12:00= 7t 3stdFestival · / 3 · Vorbei: 18j 2m