Party 23. - 29.05.18 · Festival · Aberystwyth, Großbritannien Line-Up: LINE UP: OUR WORLD - Psychedelic Stage - ૐ●•٠•٠•●ૐ●•٠•٠•●ૐ●•٠•٠•●ૐ●•٠•٠•●ૐ●•٠•٠•●ૐ●•٠•٠•●ૐ HYPOGEO (Zenon Records) Germany HIGHKO (Blast Records) Germany HARMONIC REBEL (Psynon Records) Cyprus…Info: After a super inspirational turn of events in 2017 that led us through a plethora of ups and downs and rounds and abouts - we had a fully gorgeous gathering of the tribes & an epic increase in vibes!… Vorbei: 6j 9m · 1.892 · Eingetragen von Triplicity Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Triplicity Music & Arts Festival 2018 Aberystwyth · Großbritannien · Karte Mi., 23.05.18, 12:00 - Di., 29.05., 12:00= 6tFestival · Vorbei: 6j 9m