Party 30.04. - 05.05.04 · Festival · Siebenbürgen/Transylvania (Kronstadt/Brasov), Rumänien / 7 Line-Up: Loopus in Fabula (Demontea Rec./Fabularec./Italy) Talpa (Sundance records/serbia) Spiralix (Sweden) new Instant Sadhu (Surreal Audio /Finland) new Sienis (Dreamtime Recordings Sweden) Shamaniacs (elix…Krishan (Sweden) Endoshaman(SpaceSheep Romania) Quezar(SpaceSheep Romania) Styx (PlasmaMusic /Fabularec./Germany) Dimitri(SpaceSheep Romania) Ra (aka Pinga/Serbia) Ghiauru(SpaceSheep Romania) Torag (D…Info: no visa needed for € ppl Fullmoon 4 May! be aware that u need the green card if u come by car... 100 % take care oin the roads.. make sure u are member in some automobilclub so if ur car brakes dow…Location: 30 April - 5 May 2004 = 5 days (4 May is FULLMOON) A 5 days… Vorbei: 20j 10m · 7.032 · Eingetragen von styx Fotos0 People Transylvania Calling / Gathering of the Tribes Siebenbürgen/Transylvania (… · Rumänien Fr., 30.04.04, 00:00 - Mi., 05.05., 00:00= 5tFestival · / 7 · Vorbei: 20j 10m