Party 25. - 27.06.10 · Festival · Lipa - Kras, Slowenien Line-Up: *OMITRONIX (Croatia) SUNVOID (Portugal) REDBROWN (Slovenia) JACOBS (Italy) MAGGIOX (Italy) SOUNDSLAVE (Slovenia) NEBOISA (Germany) ... *Info: At the end of the june, at exact date of 26th, on fool moon, intact nature of plateau Kras. We organize pic-nic on a friendly base, without any costs and entry fees except for those thing we should…Location: North side of plateau Kras, above Vipava valley, near Nova G… Vorbei: 14j 8m · 2.662 · Eingetragen von TrancÆdventure Fotos0 People TrancÆdventure Lipa - Kras · Slowenien Fr., 25.06.10, 18:00 - So., 27.06., 12:00= 1t 18stdFestival · Vorbei: 14j 8m