Party 02. - 04.11.12 · Festival · Lago titicaca, Bolivien Line-Up: ♦ Kinko Acid - progre dark (PSYNESTECIA) - ARGENTINA ♦ Digital Eter - progre psy (PSYNESTECIA) - ARGENTINA ♦ Antimaterie (Ayllu Prod - Progressive) ♦ VALTA ZbceR (KrEaTiv BT…♦ Phara (Ayllu/ Under voice Rec.) - Full On ♦ Pixi Pax (Digital Yonkis / Psynestesia) - Full On ♦Ron Elf (Canada) ♦ VALTA ZbceR (KrEaTiv BT) - Argentina ♦ LE´GUIDE (U…Info: The Production AYLLU, VP and Psynestesia Kreativ Crew Argentina, ALTERNA TOURS and Silaya community (Lake Titicaca) joined to show the next event. The event is in honor of the Day of the Dead to recov…Location: Population Silaya is a ten minute walk from Tiquina before c… Vorbei: 12j 4m · 1.603 · Eingetragen von PaRa Fotos0 People ..::The Spirit Of The Lake::.. Lago titicaca · Bolivien Fr., 02.11.12, 12:00 - So., 04.11., 12:00= 2tFestival · Vorbei: 12j 4m