Party 30.12. - 02.01.10 · Festival · Koh Tao, Thailand / 7 Line-Up: Bitkit - Naturall prod (be) Loop Generation - Purplesnow prod (be) more tbaScotty - Vuuv Festival (ger) Antaro - spirit zone (ger) Sabaii Sabaii - Spirit Zone (th) Leung - Magic Phangan (th) Jao - Alchemy rec (th) Apnea - Naturall prod (bel) Jacky - Ooze Bar Bkk (th) Jonnie…Info: However, new year is peak season and you may want to pre-book accommodation to be safe You can log onto,, or for more information about guest houses and bungalows.…Location: Koh Tao (turtle island) is a beautiful tropical island locat… Vorbei: 15j 1m · 12.529 · Eingetragen von Delysid Fotos0 People The Experience Koh Tao · Thailand · Karte Mi., 30.12.09, 16:00 - Sa., 02.01.10, 18:00= 3t 2stdFestival · / 7 · Vorbei: 15j 1m