Hoppla! Du hast eine Seite aufgerufen, die nur für Member erreichbar ist.Hier geht es zum Member Login Party 30.12. - 02.01.11 · Festival · Koh Tao, Thailand / 13 Line-Up: Parasense, Russia Paul Taylor (Kundalini rec), UK Freakulizer (Alchemy rec), Swiss Egorythmia (Iono Music), Macedonia Funky Dragon (Iono Music), Austria Atriohm (Parvati rec), Macedonia Delysid (Noize…Scotty (Vuuv festival), Germany Sabaii Sabaii (Spirit Zone), Thailand Antaro (Spirit Zone), Germany K-Isuma (Virus Tekk), Germany Leung (Magic Phangan), Thailand Jonnie (Ban Sabaii), UK Aka (Ban Sabai…Info: Thailands first ever New Year international trance festival on the beautiful island of Koh Tao. We offer you a special line-up of dj’s and acts from around the world to send you dancing into the next…Location: Koh Tao Vorbei: 14j 2m · 19.842 · Eingetragen von Delysid Fotos0 People The Experience Koh Tao · Thailand Do., 30.12.10, 18:00 - So., 02.01.11, 18:00= 3tFestival · / 13 · Vorbei: 14j 2m