Party 28. - 31.08.15 · Festival · Vrhnika, Betajnova 80, Slowenien Line-Up: ◊ TEPIHARJI ◊ (PsytranceFloor) ► CHANGES (PsyTranceUnity) ► CHEM TRAILERS (FlyingCarpet) ► DALTON (TranceTeleport) ► HiGASHI (FlyingCarpet) ► INTIP CHURIN (FlyingCarpet) ► MATIAS CHREPZ (Flyi…Info: As the name says, it`s all about symbiosis of music, dance, creative expressing and quality time in the company of old and new friends. The event will take place, in cooperation with nature, at idylli…Location: Star maln Betajnova 80 1360 Vrhnika LOCATION TEASER Vorbei: 9j 5m · 670 · Eingetragen von AGENT MUSHROOM Fotos0 People SYMBIOSIS Vrhnika, Betajnova 80 · Slowenien · Karte Fr., 28.08.15, 18:00 - Mo., 31.08., 12:00= 2t 18stdFestival · Vorbei: 9j 5m