Party 20. - 23.07.12 · Festival · Almeirim, Portugal Line-Up: PSYCHE FLOOR LIVE BLISARGON-DEMOGORGON - + Dj set - ( Macedonia - Manager Bhooteshwara Rec ) DARK ELF - + Dj set - ( Greece - Sonic Loom - Discovalley Rec) STRANGER - + Dj set - ( Greece - Goanmanta R…Info: The first run of presale tickets will start now until April 30th and will be offered at the special price of 40 euros! As we are all involved in the global crisis that is happening currently in the wo…Location: Almeirim, Portugal Vorbei: 12j 7m · 11.705 · Eingetragen von Morphonic records Fotos0 People SYMBIOSE FESTIVAL Almeirim · Portugal Fr., 20.07.12, 15:00 - Mo., 23.07., 13:00= 2t 22stdFestival · Vorbei: 12j 7m