Party 09. - 11.06.06 · Festival · gemeinde falkenstein, n.ö.-weinviertel, Österreich / 12 Line-Up: SLUM aka PHI, elf music - tokyo, jp, PSYBORIGINAL, digital psionics, australia CAMORAN, sundaychaizelt, aut CABAN presents "lunar navigator ",, aut KAJOLA, cosmixed socie…Aladin,, aut Andruid, asonus prod., aut Buzz-T, psynema, de Caban,, aut Don Ziggy, stardust creation, aut Goa Andi, children of the future, aut Horizon, cosmixed…Info: ticket price: friday-sunday: € 28 saturday-sunday: € 20 FOOD`S and Drinks by lebeliebelache-crew, CHAI from e´na´chaisa Jointcorrector tom,, fire place, camping and a small Market area!!!!! and…Location: Steinbruch Falkenstein Wegbeschreibung: B7 Brünner Bundesstr… Vorbei: 18j 9m · 12.018 · Eingetragen von caban & crew Fotos0 People ***** **** * * * STAR SEEDS * * * **** *****2006 gemeinde falkenstein, n.ö.-… · Österreich Fr., 09.06.06, 16:30 - So., 11.06., 12:30= 1t 20stdFestival · / 12 · Vorbei: 18j 9m