Party 18. - 25.06.01 · Festival · Lusaka, Sambia / 3 Line-Up: Anti, Alpha, Antaro, Andi Guthrie, Chrisbo, Dimitri, DJane, James Munroe, Mix Master Moris, Olli Wisdom, Raja Ram, Shiva Jörg, Yazz, Yaniv, Acan, Avi, Christof, Chris Organic, Cosmix, Mike Dog, Mark A…Info: The Solipse is a ten-day festival to celebrate the first full Solar Eclipse of the new Millennium, a gathering of like-minded people to share ideas and dreams, and to work together to have a more posi…Location: The location, which is 500 acres on private land, is Northea… Vorbei: 23j 8m · 1.934 · Eingetragen von solipse Fotos0 People Solipse 2001 Lusaka · Sambia Mo., 18.06.01, 00:00 - Mo., 25.06., 00:00= 7tFestival · / 3 · Vorbei: 23j 8m