Party 14. - 20.02.22 · Festival · Jaffna, Sri Lanka Line-Up: Over 400 artists will share their message: έως - Stage Altruism (Nano) Brazil Aioaska (Iono) Austria Astral Gnomix (Other World) Switzerland Astral Projection (TIP) Israel Atomic Pulse - Retro Set (Da…Info: Dear Shankra Family, Our actions may appear as single drops in the immense ocean. Yet what is an ocean, if not a multitude of drops? We are grateful to announce that Shankra Festival will have an addi…Location: Jaffna - Sri lanka Vorbei: 3j 17t · 8.127 · Eingetragen von Shankra Festival Fotos0 Meeting0 People Shankra Festival Sri Lanka 2022 Jaffna · Sri Lanka · Karte Mo., 14.02.22, 19:00 - So., 20.02., 20:00= 6t 1stdFestival · Vorbei: 3j 17t