Party 18. - 20.02.11 · Festival · sihanoukville Koh Ta Kiev Island, Kambodscha Line-Up: VIPER - (italy Mystic System rec. UK)Antaro (Spirit Zone Hamburg) confirmed Chicago (1200 Mic's/ TIP Records) Djane KAVALKADE (France) DJ Nikita (Rus) Threebeard-X-Treme (Goa) Dizzypsy (France) Poly and Clyde (Aliens) Rafke (Belgium) Kik…Info: The Party is on an magnificient Island. with km of white sand beach You should bring if possible some sleeping bag or preferebly a tent or Hammok If you come early enough you might be able to stay in…Location: It is gonna happen on an island that's called KOH Ta KIEV .… Vorbei: 14j · 5.095 · Eingetragen von threebeard-x-treme Fotos0 People Ressurection of Trance sihanoukville Koh Ta Kiev… · Kambodscha · Karte Fr., 18.02.11, 19:00 - So., 20.02., 12:00= 1t 17stdFestival · Vorbei: 14j