Party 30.05. - 01.06.08 · Festival · LozaVillage, Russland Line-Up: Hutti Heita (Cosmic Theatre records / Norway) Krussedull (Yggdrasil records / Norway) Loke (Yggdrasil records / Norway) Loopus in Fabula (Fabula records / Italy) M.E.E.O. (Prisma records / Sweden) Mak…Alma Raune ( / Russia) Becar (owner Insomnia records / Russia) Edwardmunch (Rainbow Family / Russia) Dikiy(Stebators team / Russia) Dikoskot(Stebators team / Russia) GlooEx (Cosmic The…Info: BANGLA!! Rainbow Family & Squadazm & Magic Group are glad to invite you to meet the summer on the forest-festival of psychedelic art culture called Rainbow Summoning! We prepared the special program i…Location: Near Moskow, FULL INFO COMING SOON Vorbei: 16j 8m · 2.595 · Eingetragen von waniwann Fotos0 People Rainbow Summoning Festival OA LozaVillage · Russland Fr., 30.05.08, 20:00 - So., 01.06., 11:00= 1t 15stdFestival · Vorbei: 16j 8m