Party 06. - 08.07.07 · Festival · near Reichenthal / Upper Austria, Österreich / 30 Line-Up: Bit Pulse (Headroom Productions) (DE) Delysid (Noise Conspiracy Records) (ESP/MEX) present their new Album "Noize Experience" Ianuaria (Hardboiled Records / Klangbewusstsein) (AT) presents h…Chuha (Rudraksh Records) (DE) Delysid (Noise Conspiracy) (ESP/MEX) Fugly (YesMen / Music for Kobolds) (AUS) Fohat (Amaris Records) (DE) DJane Gaby (Ajuca Records) (SLO) Krisae (Headroom Productions /…Info: WORKSHOPS Tai-Chi Performance Feuershow Shiatsu SHOPAREA Druidenshop Chaishop Fruitshop Location: wunderschönes grosses Schloss mit mehren Räumen und Innenhöfen. 1st Stage Innenhof im Barockenstil 2nd…Location: Castle Waldenfels How to get threre : from Vienna / Salzburg… Vorbei: 17j 7m · 17.122 · Eingetragen von Soth Fotos0 People Psytopia - The Temple of b00m near Reichenthal / Upper Au… · Österreich · Karte Fr., 06.07.07, 12:00 - So., 08.07., 12:00= 2tFestival · / 30 · Vorbei: 17j 7m