Party 27. - 31.08.15 · Festival · Leeuwarden, Niederlande / 19 Line-Up: MAIN STAGE: (Psytrance, Full-on, Progressive and Dark) **TIMETABLE**: ACE VENTURA - Iboga Records. (IL) AJJA – Peak rec. (CH) ANIMATO – HOMmega/FM-Bookings (IL) ASTRIX - Hommega Records (IL) ATMOS -…Info: Psy-Fi 2015, Out of the Void. The void is a place in space and time where there is absolutely nothing but total darkness… Except for one thing, unlimited potential for anything to come into existence.…Location: De Groene Ster Groningerstraatweg Vorbei: 9j 6m · 23.090 · Eingetragen von psy-fi Fotos0 People Psy-Fi "Out of the Void" Leeuwarden · Niederlande Do., 27.08.15, 12:00 - Mo., 31.08., 12:00= 4tFestival · / 19 · Vorbei: 9j 6m