Party 22. - 24.08.08 · Festival · Protivin ( South Czech), Tschechien Line-Up: Palindrom (Goblin Rec.) AT Laughing Faces Objective (HaraBurda & Leftism) (Goblin Rec. / BioLogic) SK Searcher (HedoniX) CZ BinarStorm (Goblin Rec.)CZ Gondar (Trancedelic Family / Goblin Rec.) CZ Baer…Mr. Lupus (TaTrance) SK Hrbo (BioLogic) SK Gorgo (Space Attack) SK Lestedix (BioLogic) SK HariHara (Carpathian) SK MP (HedoniX) CZ Jarin (Yupisashi) CZ Psyla (Mystical Waves) CZ / SK Kapca (PsyALaska)…Info: Story of Protivin party continues by free psychedelic camp for all freaks in the universe presented by Kamasutra crew and Goblin RecordsLocation: cca 1 km to the south from the Protivin town - South Czech Vorbei: 16j 6m · 2.310 · Eingetragen von Osku Fotos0 People ProtiPivin - Free Psychedelic Camp Protivin ( South Czech) · Tschechien · Karte Fr., 22.08.08, 17:00 - So., 24.08., 16:00= 1t 23stdFestival · Vorbei: 16j 6m