Party 07. - 09.09.12 · Festival · nevsehir-cappadocia-damsa dam lake, Türkei Line-Up: -ATRIOHM (Parvati Rec.) Macedonia -ENCEPHALOPATICYS (Parvati Rec.) Macedonia -KINDZA (Osom Music.) Russia -PSYKOVSKY ((Tantrumm Records / Osom Music ) Russia -DOHM (Forest Freaks Rec.) Lithuania -D…-ABBYSS (Raag Taal Rec.) Turkey -PSYPRESSHILL (Shanti Tribe ) Turkey -WOODPECKER (Logic Vision Rec.)Turkey -CHOP STICK (Digital Shiva Power)Goa-japan -LOVA (Nutria Dance-Noise Poison) Italy -DJ NUKY (…Info: Love and freedom, we are happy to invite you Pakawala 2012 in a Sacred atmosphere, one of the most beautiful sides of Turkey. You can play in the forest, explore the canyon, amaze yourself with the…Location: festival place to urgup 10 km .. istanbul to festival place… Vorbei: 12j 5m · 10.718 · Eingetragen von orhan Fotos0 People PAKAWALA nevsehir-cappadocia-damsa d… · Türkei Fr., 07.09.12, 17:00 - So., 09.09., 12:00= 1t 19stdFestival · Vorbei: 12j 5m