Party 09. - 16.08.11 · Festival · Prescott and Russel, Kanada Line-Up: KAYA PROJECT IRINA MIKHAILOVA HIBERNATIONTBAInfo: OpenMind Eco-Festival 2011 OpenMind, OpenHeart 7 days Visionay Gathering Celebration, Visionary Arts, Music, Conscious Workshops and Well-Being Open Mind is a festival where visionary art; transcenden…Location: Whispering Pines 10 Concession St E Crysler, ON K0A 1R0, Can… Vorbei: 13j 6m · 3.649 · Eingetragen von danceincolours Fotos0 People Open Mind Festival Prescott and Russel · Kanada Di., 09.08.11, 14:00 - Di., 16.08., 17:00= 7t 3stdFestival · Vorbei: 13j 6m