Party 17. - 21.07.08 · Festival · Krasny les (neer)-Ústí nad Labem,, Tschechien / 6 Line-Up: * ATMA ( Y.S.E Records, / Romania ) A | O ( Moonsun Records / Austria ) -Z- ( Interzone.PA / Germany ) GOnDaR ( Trancedelic Family / Czech Republic ) Ibojima ( Yellow Sunshine rec / Swede…* Absolut ( Cosmixed Society / Sweden-Switzerland ) Akira Indika ( Children of Gaia / Saturn ) Alpha ( Interzone.PA / Germany ) Anicca ( Cosmixed Dimensions / Austria ) Antagon ( Interzone.PA / German…Info: Tipi Village by Cannibal Crew Workshop Area hosted by Spiritchaser ( ChildrenofGaia ) UFO-unbelievable floating objects by Alfredo Projections by Alex (?Seconda?) Mayan Magic brew -Cukaracha ( A Never…Location: Krasny les this where the location is- Ústí nad Labem is the… Vorbei: 16j 7m · 18.855 · Eingetragen von Horizon Fotos0 People o0OFunnyMoonFestival-Be Aware of Your ConciounessO0o Krasny les (neer)-Ústí nad… · Tschechien · Karte Do., 17.07.08, 20:00 - Mo., 21.07., 20:00= 4tFestival · / 6 · Vorbei: 16j 7m