Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member LoginParty 28. - 30.06.13 · Festival · Jasenie, Slowakei / 9 Line-Up: KINDZA (osom-music, RU) WILL O WISP (dark prisma/noise-poison, ARG) FURIOUS CRAZY ASTRONAUT (osom-music/noise poison, RU) COSMO (noise poison, SK) HIGHKO (noise-poison, GER/NEP) VIRTUANOISE (biomechanik… Vorbei: 11j 5m · 4.441 · Eingetragen von exEc Fotos0 People Noise Poison Festival 2013 Jasenie · Slowakei Fr., 28.06.13, 08:30 - So., 30.06., 22:00= 2t 13stdFestival · / 9 · Vorbei: 11j 5m