Party 12. - 14.07.24 · Festival · Nicosia, Zypern Line-Up: Line Up So far: Main Stage 🎧ACID BUBBLE (Antimatter - CY) 🎧ANGRY LUNA (Ovni records / Retro Future Trance – Fr) 🎧ATHZIRA (Shamanic Tales Records – GT) 🎧CHOLO(Hommega Records - IL) 🎧CONFO (Parvati Reco…Info: Hello, People of M.O.T.! 🥰 Let us remind you of some helpful information! ✍️ Our festival will occur between July 12 and 14 on a beautiful, isolated hill near Nicosia, Cyprus. ✈️🚌 The nearest airport…Location: Κτήμα Camelot, Camelot, 2611 Nicosia Vorbei: 8m 2std · 462 · Eingetragen von Yana Novak Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People M.O.T - Moment Of Truth Nicosia · Zypern · Karte Fr., 12.07.24, 16:00 - So., 14.07., 18:00= 2t 2stdFestival · Vorbei: 8m 2std