Party 30.12. - 02.01.01 · Festival · Lake El Mansour Eddahbi, Atlas mountains., Marokko / 10 Line-Up: X-Dream, SunProject, Atmos, Total Eclipse, Toires, 3.Turn, Infected Mushroom, Atmos, Delta, Hux Flux, ElementAdam D´hana, Anti, Brian, India Drop, Kavandi, Raja Ram, Syd Gilmore, Trevor, Wyse, Paul TaylorInfo: The first festival of its kind to trace the origins of trance from its tribal roots in North its splendid electronic evolution Vorbei: 24j 1m · 1.846 · Eingetragen von webuser Fotos0 People Morocco2001: An historic event Lake El Mansour Eddahbi, At… · Marokko Sa., 30.12.00, 12:00 - Di., 02.01.01, 12:00= 3tFestival · / 10 · Vorbei: 24j 1m