Party 03. - 06.12.06 · Festival · Kanchanaburi, Thailand Info: Dear Psy Family. OOZE BAR family welcomes you to Thailand First party on the lake near an unknown cliff. The party will last for 3 days non stop.. The journey will start from OOZE BAR, RAMBUTRI, The b…Location: Kanchanaburi. Under SUN AND MOON. ON A RAFT NEAR the cliff.… Vorbei: 18j 1m · 2.027 · Eingetragen von psyAtmah Fotos0 People MOON MOUNTAIN Psy PARTY. Kanchanaburi · Thailand So., 03.12.06, 14:00 - Mi., 06.12., 12:00= 2t 22stdFestival · Vorbei: 18j 1m