Party 18. - 22.07.13 · Festival · Tbilisi, Georgien Line-Up: Shakta (Dimensional Records, UK) Alienapia (Space Baby Records, Ezel-Ebed Rec. UA) Amrita (Space Baby Records, UA) Art Imagination (Space Baby Records, UA) Artha (Cronomi Records, BE/PL) Di…Bruce Lee aka Devi Skanadze (GE) BigCrow (GE) Edell (Metatron Production, RU) Dimitro (Altar Rec, UA) Dimmonoid (GE) Dima Dadiani (GE) Dj Inada (Cronomi Rec, BE/PL) Jorjick (Cumborecord…Info: In the XXI century, the cutting edge technologies are available to everyone, and most of the people are attached to them. In this information flow, the essence of ancient human customs vanishes. Few o… Vorbei: 11j 6m · 2.166 · Eingetragen von Infest Fotos0 People Misterika p6 Asureti Open Air in Georgia Tbilisi · Georgien · Karte Do., 18.07.13, 21:00 - Mo., 22.07., 12:00= 3t 15stdFestival · Vorbei: 11j 6m