Party 16. - 18.02.07 · Festival · Kathmandu, Nepal Line-Up: PSYSEX : LIVE SET (HOMMEGA RECORDS), ISRAEL KINDZA: LIVE SET (PARVATI RECORDS), DENMARKKARAN (THIRD EYE RECORDS), MUMBAI SATWAH (Psychonautic Mindlab), SWITZERLAND SANUK (Psychonautic Mindlab), SWITZERLAND HYDRA (TANTRUM RECORDS), MUMBAIInfo: Welcome to Maha Shivaratri International Trance Music, Arts & Lifestyle Festival to be held on Feb 16, 17 and 18 in Kathmandu, Nepal and the first festival of its kind to be held in Nepal. A 3 day ope…Location: VENUE : 30 MINUTES DRIVE FROM Kathmandu Valley. Venue detail… Vorbei: 17j 11m · 4.393 · Eingetragen von thereisspirit Fotos0 People Maha Shivaratri Festival Kathmandu · Nepal Fr., 16.02.07, 14:00 - So., 18.02., 12:00= 1t 22stdFestival · Vorbei: 17j 11m