Party 30.01. - 04.02.09 · Festival · Golden Bay, Neuseeland Line-Up: Adham Shaikh (Canada), Bluetech (USA), Paddy Free (of Pitch Black, NZ), Loopus In Fabula (Italy), Tom Cosm (NZ), Tribalistic Society (Denmark), Grouch (NZ), Psyzaak (NZ), Yeshe & the World Citizens (…Wizdumb (Cosmic Conspiracy Recs, NZ), Maia (Organic Recs UK/ Native Harmonics NZ), Evil (Bassweight Recs NZ), Bes (Domo Recs), Aunty Ethol, Biggins, Dr Firewood, and more TBA...Info: Luminate is an Earth friendly festival of music, dance, art, creativity and sustainability. Five days of cranking world class Psychedelic music from New Zealand and overseas artists - Psytrance, Progr…Location: Canaan Downs, Takaka Hill, Golden Bay, Nelson, New Zealand. Vorbei: 15j 11m · 4.229 · Eingetragen von Maia Fotos0 People LUMINATE Golden Bay · Neuseeland Fr., 30.01.09, 13:00 - Mi., 04.02., 13:00= 5tFestival · Vorbei: 15j 11m