Party 25. - 27.08.06 · Festival · Forest, Schweden Line-Up: Confirmed Artists: Kluster [Digital Psionics / Stoneage Records / L.I.S.A.] Logic Bomb [Spiral Trax / T.I.P.] Tranan Solistice [Records / T.I.P.] Derango [Inpsyde Media / Sanaton Records] Hux-Flux [Sp…Confirmed DJs: Dennis the Menace [Devilsmind Records] Twist3don3 [L.I.S.A. / Hypnotica records] Jahbo [Parvati Records] Mussy Moody [Parvati Records] EgoT [Wicked] DJ Jonas [Stoneage Records] Artax [G…Location: in the middle somewhere :) Vorbei: 18j 5m · 4.153 · Eingetragen von Dennis Fotos0 People L.I.S.A - The Tribunal Forest · Schweden Fr., 25.08.06, 22:00 - So., 27.08., 12:00= 1t 14stdFestival · Vorbei: 18j 5m